Thursday, July 21, 2022

Rainy Season Weary

 We are smack in the middle of “Keremt”- the rainy season. It will most likely continue to be cold and rainy through August and into the middle of September. Along with the cold weather and rain comes mud and sometimes even hail. Having never lived in this city before, and the other cities we have lived or plan to live in do not have this long or cold of a rainy season, I had no idea that the rainy season here would be this cold and this rainy! The weather has surprised me and caught me unprepared! Not only do I not have enough proper clothing, but the mental capacity to get through the rainy season has also been challenging!

We only have city water once a week; therefore, only have one day to do laundry. Because it rains for at least a few hours every day, it makes it nearly impossible for our clothes to dry completely. Wearing slightly damp clothes isn’t that big of a deal-especially when it's already raining outside. When the days are wet, grey, and dreary, it makes going outside sound very unappealing.  The continuous gloomy weather makes it challenging for me to find joy in my circumstances. Not only do we have to watch where we step, avoiding puddles and slick spots of mud, but we also have to watch out for the passing cars splashing mud on clothes we can only wash once a week.

To say that I am looking forward to days when the sun shines again, the weather is hot, and the air is dry would be an understatement! Here’s to hoping this rain brings a plentiful harvest and maybe even some flowers!


Day 3 of Hail Storms

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