Monday, January 24, 2022

The Long Awaited Blog Post

 Hi Friends! 

If you have been following Fuzzy and me for any about of time, you may have noticed a little button on our website that linked to this blog. For the last two years, I have been meaning to write blog posts, sharing stories with you about our life overseas-as you can see this is the first one to actually make it to the interweb. 

Without fail, I would sit down and write a story, a story about something that happened, a cool new cultural experience, or a lesson God was showing me.  I would read and edit it and think that I was all ready to hit PUBLISH, then be completely overcome with anxious thoughts.

No one wants to read this!
There are too many grammatical errors! 
This story/life is not as interesting as so many others out there!
I am a poor writer!

The list could go on, but I think you get the point.  I really do enjoy writing, and sharing stories. Telling stories is so much a part of who we are as people! I do hope that the stories I share here will be interesting to you and that you will be gracious to me (and all my errors) as I try to be more intentional about sharing little glimpses of our life overseas.  

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