Monday, January 24, 2022

Our Story

 Every couple has their own love story, and ours is pretty unique! Fuzzy and I had our fair share of broken hearts and failed relationships in the past, primarily due to our desire to live overseas and share Truth with the unreached. Most people don’t jump at the thought of giving up “The American Dream,” leaving family and friends in America to tough it out in remote places in Africa; oddly enough, that is precisely what drew Fuzzy and I together.

I felt confident that coming home to settle down in America wasn’t for me at this time. I was living and working in North Africa, finally realizing that after a few two-year terms on the mission field, it was time to commit my heart to be a full-time missionary. Fuzzy had come to this decision years before I did and assumed that marriage would not be in the cards for him unless he found a girl willing to do life in the Horn of Africa.

Fuzzy was in the states preparing to return to The Horn, and I was halfway through my second term in North Africa. We found ourselves on a website designed for single missionaries to meet and share each other’s callings. We exchanged a few messages on the website and found out that we both have the heart and desire to live and serve in Africa.

We decided to try a video phone call to see if we had any spark- the first call lasted for three hours! How did the African internet withstand such a long call? - To this day, I have no idea! But I know that my face hurt from smiling so much after the call!

We spent many early mornings and late nights sharing our hearts, love for Our Father, and desire to see the unreached reached connected us even though we were countries and oceans apart. After a few weeks of talking on the phone almost daily, Fuzzy wrapped up his time in the states and prepared to return to Africa on the first of the year. Not knowing if or when we would be able to meet in person, Fuzzy took a giant leap of faith and purchased an engagement ring before flying out of the country, just in case he might need it in the coming months.

Our schedules conflicted; we could not find a way to meet in person until early spring. Even then, it wasn’t without drama. In March, April, and May between the both of us, we had a few 12-hour bus rides, one spurt of house arrest, one revoked visa,  6 flights, 4 passports, 6 approved visas, many dropped phone calls, a few tears but ended with a thriving relationship and one marriage proposal! Missionary dating is not for the faint of heart! 

We thought dating across countries, continents,  and time zones was challenging, but wedding planning was much more complicated. Somehow, with the help of family and friends, we managed to pull together a beautiful woodsy wedding at the close of the summer. The few weeks leading up to our wedding was the most time Fuzzy, and I had spent together, in the same place at the same time- like I said, our love story is unique, but I’m so happy it’s ours.

The Long Awaited Blog Post

 Hi Friends! 

If you have been following Fuzzy and me for any about of time, you may have noticed a little button on our website that linked to this blog. For the last two years, I have been meaning to write blog posts, sharing stories with you about our life overseas-as you can see this is the first one to actually make it to the interweb. 

Without fail, I would sit down and write a story, a story about something that happened, a cool new cultural experience, or a lesson God was showing me.  I would read and edit it and think that I was all ready to hit PUBLISH, then be completely overcome with anxious thoughts.

No one wants to read this!
There are too many grammatical errors! 
This story/life is not as interesting as so many others out there!
I am a poor writer!

The list could go on, but I think you get the point.  I really do enjoy writing, and sharing stories. Telling stories is so much a part of who we are as people! I do hope that the stories I share here will be interesting to you and that you will be gracious to me (and all my errors) as I try to be more intentional about sharing little glimpses of our life overseas.  

Living in Community

  "Living in Community" or "doing life together" are buzzwords in the Body of Christ these days. And in theory, it sound...