Wednesday, December 28, 2022


We have been living in our new town for a few months now.  This season has already had a lot of ups and downs for us as we adjust to life, language learning, and culture.  When we moved in, I felt the Father urging me to worship.  I don’t listen to music very often; I usually have my earbuds in listening to language recordings, podcasts, or audiobooks as I clean, cook, or wash laundry by hand.  Still, there was something about this season that I felt just needed to be more focused on worship.  I love how He sets things in our hearts like that!  I purchased and downloaded some new music and let it fill my kitchen as I cooked and echo off the walls of our mostly empty house as I swept and mopped.  Being intentional about playing music started to fill places in my spirit that I didn’t know needed filling!  Before I knew it, I writing down lyrics, hanging them on the kitchen walls, and making lock screens on my devices, pointing my heart back to worship anytime I see it.

One day as I was washing clothes, the lyrics of one song stood out to me.  Later I was spending some time in the prayer room before our Father, and the words I had sung flooded back.  I felt the Father say that this is our anthem for this season.  The words are not the main verse, or chorus, almost just a refrain that isn’t the central part of the song but spoke so loudly to me!  The song is “Canyons” by Ellie Holcomb.  It is a good song!  I’ve heard her talk on podcasts about how much this album means to her and how many songs came from experiencing God while camping at the Grand Canyon.  About halfway through the song, there is a refrain that goes like this:

               I walked into the desert, and I found You

               You set a table for me in the presence of my enemies

               To share with my enemies

               No longer my enemies

               No longer my enemies

Every time I hear this song, this part strikes me!  Let’s face it!  Somalis have a pretty well-known reputation, and not for their kind, gentle, and generous personalities!  

E V E R Y W H E R E we go and share about where we live and what we are doing; people always comment on how tough Somalis are or share some harrowing story of their experience with a Somali.  If you google anything about Somalis, the first few articles that pop up are stories of being kidnapped by Somali pirates!  The most known Somali proverb goes like this: “Somalia against the world.  My clan against Somalia.  My family against my clan.  I and my brother against my family.  I against my brother.” They are their own enemies!  We hear stories about T3rrorest cells and “Al Sh@b@b” overtaking towns and cities, and we know they have a presence here in our city.  Considering all the above statements, it would be easy to think of Somalis as our enemy.

We’ve been sent here for a purpose.  We are walking on faith and obedience.  We know that our Father has a plan for Somalis, and we want to be available to do whatever He asks of us so we can glorify Him!  I love thinking of sharing the table set before us with our enemies; even more so, I love thinking of our enemies no longer being called enemies but Brothers and Sisters!

Where has the Father set your table?  Who are the enemies in your life that your can share it with?

Living in Community

  "Living in Community" or "doing life together" are buzzwords in the Body of Christ these days. And in theory, it sound...